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The Stationer's Complete Guide to Addressing Your Wedding Invitations


Wedding invitations are an important aspect of the wedding planning process. They set the tone for the event and provide important information for guests, such as the date, time, and location of the wedding. We find that the most time consuming part of wedding stationery planning is gathering and organizing your guest addresses. At Paper Daisies Stationery, one of the main questions we are asked is how to address your invitations?

When it comes to gathering your guest list, there are a few different scenarios that can arise – here’s our how to guide to addressing wedding invitations!

Inner & outer envelopes

Traditionally, wedding invitations came with both an inner and outer envelope. The outer envelope was addressed to the household, while the inner envelope listed the names of the individuals who were invited.

The purpose of the inner envelope is to provide an extra layer of protection for the invitation and to ensure that each individual knows they are personally invited to the wedding.

Here are the most common instances we see -

Outer envelope | Married couple
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Married couple
Mr. and Mrs. Smith


John and Jane

(note: first names only can be seen as more casual)


Outer envelope | Married couple when woman kept her maiden name
Mrs. Jane Doe and Mr. John Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Married couple when woman kept her maiden name
Mrs. Doe and Mr. Smith


Outer envelope | Juniors
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, junior
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Juniors
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, junior


Outer envelope | Married couple who are both doctors

The Drs. Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345


The Drs. John and Jane Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Married couple who are both doctors

The Doctors Smith


Outer envelope | A couple where one is a doctor

(the doctor will go first, no matter the gender)

Dr. Jane and Mr. John Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345


Dr. John and Mrs. John Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | A couple where one is a doctor

Dr. Jane and Mr. John Smith


Outer envelope | Family with children

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Family with children

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Jane, Samantha and Jack

(children will only go on the inner envelope and children over the age of 18 should receive their own invitation)


Outer envelope | Couple who lives together but are not married

Mr. John Smith and Ms. Jane Doe
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345


Mr. John Smith
Ms. Jane Doe
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Couple who lives together but are not married

Mr. John Smith and Ms. Jane Doe


John and Jane


Outer envelope | Single man or woman

Mr. John Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345


Ms. Jane Doe
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Single man or woman

Mr. Smith


Ms. Doe





Outer envelope | Single man or woman with a plus-one

Mr. John Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345


Ms. Jane Doe
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Single man or woman with a plus-one

Mr. Smith and guest


Ms. Doe and guest

(guests will only go on the inner envelope)


Outer envelope | Single man or woman with a known guest

Mr. John Smith
Ms. Jane Doe
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Single man or woman with a known guest

Mr. Smith
Ms. Doe

(list your friend first, regardless of gender, and their guest on the line below)


Outer envelope | Same gender couple

Mr. John & Jacob Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

(if they share the same last name)


Mr John Smith & Mr. Jacob Williams
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

(if they share they have different last names)

Inner envelope | Same gender couple

Mr. and Mr. Smith


Mr. Smith and Mr. Williams


Outer envelope | Non-binary guests

Mx. John Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Non-binary guests

Mx. Smith




Outer envelope | Couple where one guest is a judge or governor

The Honorable and Mrs. John Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Couple where one guest is a judge

Judge and Mrs. Smith


Outer envelope | Couple where a guest is a member of the clergy

The Reverend and Mrs. John Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Father Simon Peter
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Rabbi and Mrs. John Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Couple where a guest is a member of the clergy

The Reverend and Mrs. Smith

Father Peter

Rabbi and Mrs. Smith


Outer envelope | Couple where the male is a military officer

Colonel and Mrs. John Smith
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Couple where the male is a military officer

Colonel and Mrs. Smith


Outer envelope | Couple where the female is a military officer

General Kimberly Stone, U.S. Army and Mr. Jason Dean
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

Inner envelope | Couple where the female is a military officer

General Stone and Mr. Jason Dean

Outer envelopes

While inner and outer envelopes were traditionally used for wedding invitations, many couples opt to skip the inner envelope for cost.

If you are only using an outer envelope, in some circumstances you will need to address it a bit differently than if you were using both envelopes. Here are those special cases!

Family with children

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Jane, Samantha and Jack
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345


Outer envelope | Single man or woman with a plus-one

Mr. John Smith and guest
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345


Ms. Jane Doe and guest
1234 Paper Daisies Lane
Atlanta, Georgia 12345

At Paper Daisies, we offer computer calligraphy services to print on your envelopes for you! If you select computer calligraphy when building your cart and placing your order, we will send over our guest list templates for you to use to help guide you. When we receive your completed guest list, we will send you a proof of each address so you can check for accuracy and make sure your envelopes are perfect before we send to print!

In the event you have any questions not covered in this blog, reach out to your dedicated designer and we can help!

Happy addressing!


The Paper Daisies team

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